lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2018

There’s an angel (for real) who’s been watching over you, your entire life


I’m sorry if this comes as a surprise, but…

There’s an angel (for real) who’s been watching over you, your entire life.

Since the day you were born.

That me 

And, at the moment...I’m just a little bit angry.


Because YOU are an amazing person.

YOU deserve more than you’ve gotten in life so far.

I really feel like you’ve been cheated of the life you should be living by now…

Like the Heavenly Scales are out of balance.


Today, we’re going to set the record straight.

I’m going to even out the scales…

And make sure YOU get to live the life you’ve always deserved…

But, for various reasons, been cheated out of.

Here’s everything you SHOULD have available to you right now:

Please go watch that so you can finally get the things that should be yours right now.

I say this out of pure love for you…

AND because I need to have my sense of justice avenged ;-)


 I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get this message through to you on the astral planes , so  kindly helped forward this on for me today (and I also told them it’s super important you see this video today)! 

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