viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

suspicion that something was wrong in your love life find out with the tarot?

Have you ever had a sneaking suspicion that something was wrong in your love life?

As if there was something going on behind your back and now your intuition is flaring up like a B.B.Q.? 
Have you ever had a sneaking suspicion that something was wrong in your love life?

Sometimes it’s just a tough situation, decision, or direction you have to take that makes you unsure of what to do next. 

This is the same nagging “uncertain” feeling that’s inspired millions of people to turn to Tarot Cards over the last several hundred years when they wanted to know the TRUTH.  

Why?  Because it’s the simple way to ask the Universe (and your own subconscious intuition) for a quick read on the energy surrounding you now.  

Tarot cards are a lifesaver when you want to uncover hidden answers about your lover, about a new relationship, or even if you just want a glimpse into your romantic future. 
Here, try it for yourself .

First, here’s how to get the most accurate answers in three simple steps:

Step 1:  Choose your Question
Maybe you’re not worried about cheating, but you’re wondering if it’s a big risk in the future? Or maybe you’re concerned that your partner is feeling distant or withdrawn… 
Or maybe you’ve got a completely different problem that’s stressing you out - whatever you want clarity on is fine, just be clear about your question before you begin.  
You can ask questions like …

-Does he still love me?
-Does she still find me attractive?
-Is he involved with someone at work?
-Is she losing interest?
-Is there something I should know?
-What can I do to win him back?
-How can I make sure she’s obsessed with ME and no one else?
-What’s being hidden or kept from me?
-How can I keep him faithful in the long term?
No matter what your question is, make sure it’s clear, and non-judgemental. 

Does he still love me?  -Does she still find me attractive?  -Is he involved with someone at work?  -Is she losing interest?  -Is there something I should know?  -What can I do to win him back?  -How can I make sure she’s obsessed with ME and no one else?  -What’s being hidden or kept from me?  -How can I keep him faithful in the long term?  No matter what your question is, make sure it’s clear, and non-judgemental.

The reading you’ll get is going to be the answer to your question, and it will be muddied if you’re bringing emotion into the equation.

You’ll get clear, trustworthy answers if you ask a question like “Is so-and-so having an affair at work?” -
Yet you’re going to get muddy answers if you have too much emotion in the question. 

So don’t ask anything like: “Is that b****** sleeping with that ***** they’re always talking about?”  
Neutral questions get honest answers.
After you have a good question in your mind, do this:
Step 2:  Ask With Emotions
As your cards are shuffling, ask your question. Ask it out loud if you can, but if not, ask it silently with raw, emotional power. 
Want it. 

Demand it. 
Don’t worry about being too pushy. 

The only thing you must not do is ask with a weak voice, or as if you don’t really care one way or the other.  

You have to FEEL it.

We know from The Law of Attraction that the feelings we have always attract the things we get in life - so if you want a real answer, you need to feel that answer coming to you  with every fiber of your being.

I know it’s a little weird to ask a neutral question in an emotional way, but that’s exactly what I’ve found works best.
It helped me to think about the impact this answer will have on my life. 

So think about the way you feel right now, think about the relief, the clarity, the anger, or the joy you’ll feel once the truth is spelled out before you.

There are no bad truths. 
So don’t ask anything like: “Is that b****** sleeping with that ***** they’re always talking about?”    Neutral questions get honest answers.  After you have a good question in your mind, do this:  Step 2:  Ask With Emotions  As your cards are shuffling, ask your question. Ask it out loud if you can, but if not, ask it silently with raw, emotional power.   Want it.

Even “bad news” is good if it’s true, because that means you can move on and grow with honesty and integrity.

For me, the worst pain in life is not knowing. If you think about the times in your life that you’ve been lied to, I think you’ll know what I mean.

So decide for yourself that you deserve the truth, and be strong in your conviction.
Keep shuffling the cards as you allow yourself to feel from your heart.
Openly. Feely

You can shuffle for as long as you want…
So give yourself the time and space to open up emotionally, so that your raw emotional energy can make the truth manifest in the cards as you draw them.
Step 3:  Draw Your Cards
Now it’s time to draw your cards, so your emotional instincts to select the ones that speak to you.

You’ll get one representing the past, one representing the present, and one representing the future.
This is the quickest way to get a true snapshot of the answers you need.  

The best part? 
You don’t have to know a single thing about the meaning of the cards. 

They do all the work and spell out your answer for you in real time.
Every question, from every person, gets a unique reading, every time.

That’s because the cards have been refined and perfected over the eons, and tie together archetypes, ancient wisdom, fundamental truths, free flowing energies, and quantum states that are truly universal.

 That’s because the cards have been refined and perfected over the eons, and tie together archetypes, ancient wisdom, fundamental truths, free flowing energies, and quantum states that are truly universal.

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