domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2018

Free pendant that contains the ancient symbol called the Sri Yanka


I'll get to the gift part in just a minute.
First, let me ask you this...

How would you like an instant gateway to focus your powers of conscious creation no matter what you’re trying to bring through the Cosmos and into your life?
Sound good?
How would you like an instant gateway to focus your powers of conscious creation no matter what you’re trying to bring through the Cosmos and into your life?  Sound good?

Now I have to be honest, the results from this gateway would be 100% up to you. Everyone is looking for different things along their journey of life.

All I can do is offer to help make things easier.
And that's where the gift comes in 
, you'll see a beautiful pendant that contains the ancient symbol called the Sri Yanka (plus some other cool stuff).
The pendant is a gift, there's no charge for it.

All you have to do is pay the modest shipping and handling fee.

Then, of course, USE it once you receive it.

The Sri Yanka symbol, in the Hindu religion, quite literally connects you to the divine mind of the goddess of creation.

So whenever you meditate, or set intentions, or actively focus on manifesting something into your life, focus on this while you're doing it.
The Sri Yanka symbol, in the Hindu religion, quite literally connects you to the divine mind of the goddess of creation.

You should see that it makes the process more powerful and easier for you to have the visual focus of the Sri Yanka right at your fingertips.

Plus it makes a beautiful pendant people will ask you about 
So go ahead, grab yours and let us know how it works for you!

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