Buddha was an amazing figure.
Twenty-six hundred years ago he sat under a tree and when he stood up, he was enlightened.
He was in a constant state of joy, courage, and active compassion.
That's amazing by itself, but when you think about where Buddha came from and who he was...
His decision to seek enlightenment is all that more amazing.
==> Buddha's Ancient Secret (Video)
Buddha was originally named Siddharta Gautama and was a prince in modern day Nepal.
His parents were so determined to make him a wonderful leader, they shielded him from any unpleasantness for his entire youth.
He was raised to see nothing but abundance with the world.
He lived this life of abundant bliss until he was 29 years old, at which time he went on a rare trip from his palace home.
Having the unpleasant nature of the world suddenly hit him in the face...
So distressed Siddharta Gautama left his royal palace and life of untold luxury and set out to find enlightenment.

The wisdom Buddha taught works just as well today as it did 2600 years ago.
Well, because even though the world has changed, we humans haven't changed much at all.
Moreover, we live our lives faster so Buddha's secret can help you achieve more, more quickly than anyone dreamed possible when Buddha lived.
I can promise you that Buddha's secret works - Check it out
Imagine having the almost magical ability to dream of something and then effortlessly manifest it into reality.
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